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After application

2. Accept offer

If you are posted to a junior college or Millennia Institute
  • You must report to the junior college (JC) or Millennia Institute (MI) on the morning of the day after posting results are released, that is on Tuesday, 4 February 2025 (tentative).
  • If not, your place will be forfeited. It will then be made available to other eligible applicants appealing for a place in the course.
  • You can wear your secondary school uniform and bring your original identification documents (NRIC, student’s pass, or passport) when you report.
  • If you are waiting for an appeal outcome, you should still report to the school you are posted to. If your appeal is successful, inform your posted JC or MI subsequently.

If you are unable to report to your posted JC or MI with valid reasons, you can call or email the school to confirm your acceptance and they will reserve a place for you.

If you are posted to a polytechnic
  • By end February, you will receive an enrolment email. It contains instructions on the enrolment process.
  • You are required to complete your online enrolment by the deadline stated. If not, your place will be forfeited and made available to other eligible applicants appealing for a place in the course.
  • If you have submitted an appeal, you should still complete the online enrolment of your posted course while awaiting your appeal outcome. If your appeal is successful, inform the polytechnic subsequently.

If you have recently changed your email or residential address, you should contact the polytechnic to update them, so that you can receive the enrolment email.

If you are posted to the Institute of Technical Education
  • On the day of release of JAE posting results, you will receive an enrolment email from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE).
  • You must accept the course offer online by the date stated in the email. If not, your place will be forfeited and made available to other eligible applicants appealing for a place in the course.
  • If you are waiting for an appeal outcome, you must still accept the offer of your posted course online. If your appeal is successful, inform ITE subsequently.
  • For course and application enquiries, you can call ITE at 1800 2222 111 from 8.30am to 6pm on Mondays to Fridays.

If you have recently changed your email address, you should contact the ITE to update them, so that you can receive the enrolment email.