Last Updated: 16 August 2024
School fees
Use our fees checker to find out the amount and structure of monthly fees for Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents or international students. Learn when and how to make payments.
The monthly fees include the school fees and miscellaneous fees. The amount will differ based your child’s nationality and the type of school they attend.
The monthly fees are exclusive of GST for Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents as the applicable GST is subsidised by MOE. The fees for International Students are inclusive of GST.
- These schools and institutions charge varying fees: Independent schools, specialised independent schools, special education (SPED) schools, specialised schools, polytechnics, the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and Arts Institutions. Visit their respective websites for the latest fee information.
- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries include Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Check your child’s school fees
Enter your child’s details to check the amount and structure of their monthly fees.
How to pay
- Other methods
Related questions
- Why are my GIRO deductions unsuccessful in February and March?
- I made excess payment for my child’s school and miscellaneous fees. What will happen to the excess payment?
- My child’s citizenship was updated recently but I am still paying the old school fee rates. Why and what should I do next?